Welcome to Connected Health

Our Connected Health solutions utilise technology to enable healthcare workers to deliver improved patient outcomes.

The Connected Health portfolio consists of multifunction devices and applications that enable healthcare workers to carry out their duties more safely, securely and effectively.

By combining purpose-built smart devices with healthcare-specific applications, we can deliver a connected health experience. We achieve this by having a high level of engagement with clinical decision-makers, within healthcare organisations to determine the solution that meets their requirements. To aid us in the process, we collaborate with quality vendors like Spectralink, Vocera, Alcatel Lucent Enterprise, Olinqua and SOTI. They provide us with the ability to build solutions such as staff duress, voice and secure text, vital sign monitoring, medication management, critical alert management and equipment location.

The required applications sit either within our vendor ecosystem or our alliance relationships to ensure they operate seamlessly with our clinical smart devices.


Our Connected Health solutions consist of purpose-built smart devices combined with healthcare specific applications, enabling healthcare workers to carry out their duties more safely, securely and effectively. Maintaining a high level of engagement with clinical decision makers within healthcare organisations allows us to constantly develop solutions that meet their needs.