Protecting your clinical networks: simplify medical and IoT device security
The rapid proliferation of Internet of Medical Things (IoMT) and Internet of Things (IoT) devices within clinical networks has made discovering and protecting these devices a priority for healthcare organisations. Ensuring visibility into all medical IoMT and IoT devices is crucial to keep patient data safe from the risks these devices can create.
Join us to learn how Fortinet and Medigate by Claroty are enabling healthcare organisations to:
- discover and accurately inventory all devices connected to the clinical network
- assess the risks associated with each medical, IoMT, and IoT device
- identify the difference between malfunction versus malicious actions
- respond with confidence and conviction to threats from those devices
- understand the practical implications and comply with the Security of Critical Infrastructure Act 2018 (SOCI Act).
By attending, you will gain valuable insights and best practices from real-world examples and witness a live demonstration of how integrated solutions simplify medical and IoT device security, ensuring healthcare data protection and seamless operations.
Take a step towards enhancing your organisation’s device security and risk management practices.
Presented by
Steve Woods, principal healthcare solution engineer, Medigate by Claroty
For more information, contact Connected Health.