

Connected Health and Claroty offer solutions that minimise cybersecurity risks, provide clarity on potential threats, and enhance organisational resilience.


The Solutions

Claroty is a cybersecurity provider specialising in healthcare, offering a Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) Protection Platform that mitigates online risks through exposure management, threat detection, and network protection. It safeguards digital assets, from devices to medical equipment, and is scalable, flexible, and user-friendly.

In partnership with Connected Health, Claroty helps healthcare organisations protect sensitive data and securely deliver connected care while enhancing operational efficiencies.


Zero trust in a clinical setting

Zero Trust is a term that entered the vernacular about 10 years to describe a new concept in computer networking. The concept began as a “trust nothing, verify everything” principle, but has since evolved into a broader cyber security philosophy. In the physical world, Zero Trust would be a pedantic security guard who checks your ID every day, even though he knows your name, face, and favourite coffee order.

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How healthcare providers can safeguard patient data and ensure continuity of care

Healthcare institutions globally are witnessing an unprecedented increase in cyberattacks. The healthcare and social assistance sector is the third most targeted sector in Australia for cybersecurity incidents, trailing only behind government sectors [1]. This alarming trend is highlighted by the cyber incidents that healthcare facilities face, which compromise sensitive patient data and threaten the operational continuity critical for patient care.

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